
Key Biodiversity Areas: Critical role in the new global framework for nature

KBAs are the most important places in the world for species and their habitats. Identifying and safeguarding them is central…

Event date: 1st September 2021 2:00pm

Green Space Management Pollinator Training

An online training session, with pollinator expert Hilary Conlan, covering pollinator insects and the habitats required to support them. Organised…

Event date: 17th August 2021 5:00pm

Family-friendly guided walks

New Life on the Old West are hosting two family friendly walks on Wednesday 11th August 10-12 in Rampton, and…

Event date: 11th August 2021 10:00am

Wild honeybees

Wild honey bees are living in the environment all around us without any input from beekeepers. Following on from his…

Event date: 28th July 2021 7:00pm

Cornwall: changing the scene for pollinators and people

Juliet Osborne, Professor of Applied Ecology at the University of Exeter, will describe her team’s work in Cornwall to put…

Event date: 14th July 2021 7:00pm