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David Attenborough Building User Guide
Download a guide to use of the David Attenborough Building for CCF member organisations A Covid guidance document for the building, updated on 27th January 2022, can be downloaded here.

Leventis Library On-line
CCF staff and members may search the Leventis Library collections online and have reference-only access to the Library. Search the catalogue here

CCF Project evaluation tool
Use this to help you design and evaluate conservation projects. This provides a conceptual framework and easy to use scorecard developed by members of the CCF and published in Conservation Letters This a conceptual framework and scorecard based on an easy to use Excel spreadsheet. It was developed by the Cambridge Conservation Forum help…

Bright Spots in Conservation: Report on a joint BAS/ CCI symposium
CCF member British Antarctic Survey held a symposium jointly with CCI in December 2019. This formed part of a series of short workshops focused on science-policy interactions within topical conservation and management issues. Each of the topics are issues faced in the Polar Regions but are also of global relevance and reach beyond traditional disciplinary…

CCF Council Minutes Archive 2015-2019
Minutes of past CCF council meetings can be found here. The minutes of the most recent meeting will be posted separately. CCF Council meeting 19-12-04 CCF Council Minutes 190627 CCF Council Minutes 190501 May 2019 Annex documents CCF-Council-minutes-2018-11-27 November 2018 Annex documents CCF Council Minutes 190318 CCF Council Minutes 170906 CCF-Council-minutes-2017-04-25 April 2017 Annex documents…
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