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Women in Conservation Leadership: tips for inclusive panels and conferences
Why do people go to conferences? Learning about what’s going on at the cutting edge of the field? Developing new collaborations? Being better at what they do? Evidence shows the best way to do this is to have a mix of different ideas and perspectives. But the reality is too often this mix isn’t there…

World Oceans Day symposium 2021
CCF Marine and the University of Cambridge Marine Conservation Society recently organised a symposium for World Oceans Day. You can watch the recording below. We had a few sound problems at the very the beginning of one of our recorded seminars; the full recording of Todd Steiner’s presentation can also be accessed here: Passcode:…

Carbon off-setting action plan
Amelia Cook, of Shepreth Wildlife Park, compiled the atttached plan regarding carbon off-setting for CCF. Members are welcome to use this and adapt to their own needs.

CCF Council Minutes Archive 2010-2014
CCF-Council-minutes-2014-07-01 CCF-Council-minutes-2013-12-06 CCF-Council-Minutes-2013-01-24 CCF-Council-minutes-2012-09-26 (1) CCF-COUNCIL-Minutes-2011-07-11 CCF-Council-minutes-2011-01-13

CCF Marine and CCI World Oceans Day 2020 seminar
This year we held a virtual event with speakers Prof Dan Laffoley, Vice Chair IUCN/WCPA Marine; Emily Corcoran, consultant to the International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI); Stephanie Prince, Global Marine Programme, Birdlife and RSPB/Birdlife Albatross Task Force and Tim Gordon, Exeter University You can view a recording of the event here: A copy of the…