Women in Conservation Leadership: tips for inclusive panels and conferences

23rd February 2022

Women in Conservation Leadership: tips for inclusive panels and conferences

Why do people go to conferences? Learning about what’s going on at the cutting edge of the field? Developing new collaborations? Being better at what they do? Evidence shows the best way to do this is to have a mix of different ideas and perspectives. But the reality is too often this mix isn’t there – for example we tend to skew towards males over females, White over Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic, older over younger and those without a disability – hidden or visible – over those with. And who we saw at the last conference or panel is who we tend to think of for the next one. So, some brilliant voices never get heard, and the cycle is never broken as the role models never change.

So how do we change this, without compromising on quality? Here is a guide on how to make your conference or panel more equal and diverse

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