Moth Night

27th August 2020 12:00am

Event Details

Start Date: 27th August 2020 12:00am

Venue: Your garden!

Event Description

Organised by AtroposButterfly Conservation and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Moth Night is the annual celebration of moth recording throughout Britain and Ireland by moth recording enthusiasts.

Each year a theme is chosen with one or more target species to look out for. Moth Night 2020 coincides with the flight periods of four of the Red Underwing moths recorded in the British Isles. We are targetting these species, but Moth Night is about all moths and participants are encouraged to find and record as many different species as they can.

In previous years public events have been a feature of Moth Night. In 2020 however, due to the ongoing situation with Covid 19 the organisers are not encouraging or promoting public events as part of Moth Night. Moth Night is the perfect event for garden participation, however, and we hope that people will make the most of the opportunity to look at what moths occur in their gardens.

Moth Night was founded in 1998 by Atropos and is now organised in collaboration with Butterfly Conservation and The UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.

Lots more information on the website here