Introduction to Biodiversity Net Gain: 4pm 23 April 2024 in the David Attenborough Building

23rd April 2024 4:00pm

Event Details

Start Date: 23rd April 2024 4:00pm

Venue: David Attenborough Building

Event Description

Martin Baker, Conservation Manager at the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire, will give a brief introduction to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and the new mandatory arrangements for the English land use planning system, focussing on the principles behind the system and the opportunities and challenges that it brings. There will be a chance for informal discussion of overarching principles, but please note that the talk will not cover the in-depth technical workings of the new system or measurement of BNG.

Martin Baker has worked for over 30 years in UK nature conservation and has been Conservation Manager at the Wildlife Trust in Cambridgeshire for the past 23 years. He has extensive experience of habitat management and creation and of promoting nature through the land use planning system. In recent years he has been involved in the testing and application of the new statutory Biodiversity Net Gain system, as both a potential provider of Habitat Banks and as a reviewer of Biodiversity Impact Assessments submitted with planning applications.

This event will take place in the Main Seminar Room in the David Attenborough Building at 4pm on Tuesday 23 April 2024. All are welcome to attend and we ask that you register for the event by emailing so that the organisers have an idea of numbers.