CCI Conservation seminar: Community ecology – Pure fun and practical too! – Prof Jane Memmott

3rd November 2021 4:00pm

Event Details

Start Date: 3rd November 2021 4:00pm

Venue: Online

Event Description

Prof Memmott, of the University of Bristol, explains: “In this talk I will focus on three projects which have a community level approach, and use the latest approaches from pure ecology, but which have considerable applied outputs too.  In brief, the three projects ask about: 1) the impact of fertilisers on biodiversity; 2) whether landscapes are simply the sum of their habitat parts or whether they have emergent properties such as increased stability or functioning, and 3) about the links between pollinators and human nutrition in smallholder farms in rural Nepal.  I’ll end by introducing some of the new projects starting up in my research group”

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