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The latest conservation news and views from our members

Andre Baurgarten/WCS

Not all scientist wear lab coats

The Wildlife Conservation Society would like help in spreading the word to young adults and early career professionals about our…

Chalk Aquifer Alliance

The Chalk Aquifer Alliance supports the restoration and protection of water quality and flows in our chalk streams and the…

Nature up close and personal

During this period of lockdown, many of us have learned (or re-discovered) the importance of engaging with nature to our happiness and wellbeing. But…

Valuing Nature and Open Space Survey

Natural Cambridgeshire is interested in determining whether people’s attitudes to the natural world have changed as a result of lockdown…

African forest collapse, recovery and chimpanzees?

Dr Alex Chepstow-Lusty has a new paper  in Global Planetary Research that is not unrelated to the present crisis, which…

Nene Park update

Nene Park have lots going on and are re-opening facilities in line with government advice. Here’s a run-down of what’s…

National Whale and Dolphin Watch 2020

Sea Watch Foundation is a national UK charity, working to improve the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins and porpoises…

Fens Biosphere news

The Fens Biosphere project are putting together a short video exploring what the Fens means to people and they would…

World Oceans Day

Today is World Oceans Day. Sue Wells introduces the day in a blog here for CCI. Despite the fact that…

Red List Revival Life on Land Awards

Today sees the announcement of the 2019 Life on Land Awards by Redlist Revival. This up-and-coming charity focuses on involving…