Participate in our Annual Student Essay Competition!
2024 question:
In 2020, in his renowned witness statement in “David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet”, Sir David urged people to “rewild the world” in order to save it, but what legal implications does rewilding bring, particularly in relation to existing wildlife management legislation in the UK?
The deadline for submission is:
April 1, 2024 [11:59pm]
Essays should be no more than 1,500 words long. The competition is open to all students during any stage of their studies. We welcome submissions from international students as well. Submissions should be reasonably compliant with OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities). If you have any questions, please email Please submit your essay to
Please do share this with anyone you think interested! You can find out all the information here on our website. Or you can email:
Happy writing!