Friends of the River Cam news

25th January 2021

Following our talk from Feargal Sharkey in December which galvanised concern about the River Cam and its tributaries, Kim Wilkie, widely regarded as one of the UK’s top landscape architects, will lead a community debate on how to protect the Cam and keep its tributaries and supporting ecosystems healthy.

Kim has worked with local communities to develop the Thames Landscape Strategy, that set out to celebrate and understand the exceptional character of the Thames and create a 100 year strategic vision for the river corridor that would stand the test of time. How can we do the same thing for the Cam? His talk on ‘Making a Happy City’ hosted by the Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations (FeCRA) argued for the importance of respecting the Cam’s unique heritage and its green river corridor.

The Friends of the Cam meeting on February 9th will also continue the discussion on the action we can collectively take to fight to restore the quality of our river system. We will be inviting groups to sign up to The Cam River Charter (see below). Please also take this opportunity, if you’ve not already done so, to sign the petition, here.

We look forward to seeing you on February 9th at 6- 7.30pm.

How to save the Cam – book now on Eventbrite


Image: Hilary Cox