Outdoor ideas for Christmas

16th December 2020

We may not be able to meet up as much as we’d like inside, but there is plenty going on outdoors this Christmas season. Here’s a round-up of some ideas from our members organisations:

Wicken Fen has two trails for families to follow- the Twelve Trees of Christmas and a Peter Rabbit Trail- more info here. They are open every day apart for Christmas Day (when you can still walk on the wider reserve). Also look out for roosting hen harriers, short-eared owls and starling murmurations.

Welney WWT have developed a new visitor trail around Lady Fen. It is very wet at this time of year- wellies recommended! Look out for flocks of wintering wildfowl, hares and cranes.

Cambridge PPF have family winter gift membership on offer- more on their website, where you can also find out about their volunteering days and winter tree walks in January 2021.

In Peterborough, Nene Park remains open and are holding a winter bird walk on 4th January.

Wildlife Trust BCN have a family story trail at Paxton Pits Reserve, daily until 31st January. More on their reserves and events here.


Whatever you do this Christmas, all at CCF wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful break. We look forward to 2021 being a more positive year for us all.