Chalk Aquifer Alliance
17th August 2020
The Chalk Aquifer Alliance supports the restoration and protection of water quality and flows in our chalk streams and the reduction of abstraction to sustainable levels.
- Raise awareness of the plight of all chalk streams
- Share knowledge and understanding across river groups
- Campaign to end unsustainable abstraction
- Work to establish ecological target flows for chalk streams and hands-off flow conditions
- Fight to end sewage releases into chalk streams
- Encourage habitat restoration and optimum biodiversity
- Celebrate the benefits to mental health, happiness and general wellbeing a healthy chalk stream can bring
- Lobbying for ALL chalk streams to have bespoke statutory designation including enhanced protection
- Stronger controls on damaging agricultural practices that affect chalk streams
- Publicising the targets of the Water Framework Directive/Environment Bill and pursuing those tasked to make it happen
- Preventing road run off and its load of sediment containing hydrocarbons, heavy metals, street litter and microplastics running into chalk streams
- Raise awareness of insufficiently treated water from sewage works damaging chalk streams especially at times of low flow
- Planning process changes to ensure that new developments will only be permitted where a sustainable water supply is assured
- Pressing for more flexibility in supply network to move water from areas of higher rainfall to those with less – towards a national grid of water
- To have minimum flows applied to all headwaters, specifically spring fed rivers
- Whether the Chalk aquifer is a single entity and should be managed as such
- Encouraging Government to get fully behind sustained consumer water saving campaigns
- Inspiring consumers to embrace water saving for the benefit of the environment