Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation project consultation

9th July 2020

Anglian Water has today launched a consultation on its proposals to relocate its Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to support sustainable growth in Cambridge.


The shared planning service for Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire has recently published early proposals for a new low-carbon city district near Cambridge North station, including 8,000 new homes and 20,000 new jobs in a draft Area Action Plan (AAP) for North East Cambridge. The draft proposals are being considered by councillors ahead of full public consultation later in the summer.


Regeneration of the area requires our Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant to be relocated. The new, relocated facility will continue to provide vital services to Cambridge and the surrounding area in a modern, carbon-efficient waste water treatment plant, which will be developed by Anglian Water in collaboration with the community.


The project forms part of a Government funding initiative – the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) – which helps to deliver new homes in areas of high demand. Since the announcement in March 2019 that HIF funding will be awarded, we have been engaging with Cambridgeshire County Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridge City Council.


There are three phases of consultation for the project during 2020-21, commencing in July 2020. During each phase, the views of the community and stakeholders including statutory consultees, non-governmental organisations and local interest groups will be sought. There will also be holding a series of community consultation activities, to present proposals for the relocation project and to invite members of the community to discuss the proposals with the project team and ask questions.


Engagement activities and consultations remain fully accessible if restrictions on social gatherings due to COVID-19 are still in place.


Phase one public consultation will run for six weeks, closing on 19 August 2020. Below is a stakeholder briefing pack, which describes the background to the project, what will be consulted on and the consultation process.


There is a dedicated project website goes live on 08 July where you can find out more information on the proposals and provide feedback. All comments are welcome during the consultation period.


If you would like to discuss the proposals with the project team, you can contact them using the details provided below.


Freephone information line: 0808 196 1661

Postal Address: Freepost: CWWTPR

Project email:

Phase one consultation letter

Cambridge WWTP relocation project briefing pack


Image: Hilary Cox-Condron