Cambridge Canopy Project Survey

22nd May 2020

Cambridge Canopy Project aims to increase the number of trees in the city.

There are currently more than 300,000 trees in Cambridge. About 74% of them are in gardens and on private land. If every household in Cambridge with a garden planted one tree, our tree population would increase by more than 10%. This would have a large positive impact on collective efforts to adapt to and mitigate climate change.

To help achieve this ambition, Cambridge Canopy Project want to understand more about public perception of trees in private gardens.

If you live in Cambridge, please complete this short survey about trees in gardens. It should take less than 10 minutes.

The survey is open until 31 October 2020. If you have any questions please contact, with ‘Cambridge Canopy Project survey’ as the subject.

Your response will help us understand more about what Cambridge residents think of tree planting and tree removal. This in turn will help us better support and enhance tree-planting in the city.